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Team Details
Connections is all about caring for those who are new to City Sanctuary Church. We are passionate about identifying our guests and rolling out the red carpet! Positions include:
- Greeters
- Guest Point
- Pastor’s Meet & Greet
- iCare Team (iCare pads)
- Connect Class
- Guest follow up & Phone calls
Creative & Media
The Media & Creative Team (aka "Digital Missionaries") carries the Gospel through the use of technology and media. It equips other church ministries to use digital and electronic media as a worship and outreach tool. Every aspect of the team helps to reach people not only in our own community, but also to the most remote parts of the world for the cause of Christ! We hope to enhance the worship experience, communicate effectively with the congregation and extend the congregation beyond the walls of the church. Our team has several areas of focus:
- Audio
- Lighting
- Video Production
- Photography
- Graphic Design
- Pro Presenter (used for lyrics and message on screens)
- Web Design/Maintenance
Fuel Kids
Fuel Kids is about raising a generation to reach a generation. We focus on empowering kids with God's Word, showing them who they are in God's eyes, and helping them develop the gifts God created in them to become a world changer. We meet every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening in the Student Center and classrooms that surround the gymnasium, with special events and activities throughout the year.
Check out more Here
Check out more Here

Ignite Student Ministries
Ignite Student Ministries is for students 6th through 12th grade. We meet every Wednesday at 7pm in the Student Center for our weekly youth service, PLUS our Friday Night Hangout the 3rd Friday each month, and lots of great events planned throughout the year! There is so much to get involved with at Ignite! Be sure to like us on Facebook, and follow us on Instagram, Snapchat, & Twitter.
Check out more Here
Check out more Here
Member Care
Member Care is passionate about caring for the members of City Sanctuary Church. We want everyone who has made City Sanctuary their church home to feel loved, connected, cared for, and a part of the great things happening. Positions include:
- Member Attendance & Follow up
- Meals for the Sick
- Bereavement Care
- Data Entry
- Phone Calls
- Newcomer & Member Ministry Placement
Outreach & Care is about loving and caring for those in Volusia County and the friends and family of City Sanctuary. Our focus is on people, at every life stage. Positions include:
- Evangelism
- Food Pantry
- Lunches for the Homeless
- Breakfast for the Community
- Bereavement Food
- Visitation (Homebound, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, etc.)
- Lawn Care
- Good Samaritan

The prayer ministry of City Sanctuary Church is part of our Worship Team. If you are passionate about prayer, join our team! Positions include:
- Altar Team
- Intercessory Prayer
- Prayer Chain
VIP is passionate about first impressions. If you like people, enjoy warm smiles and friendly encounters, VIP is for you!
- Big Event Team
- Security
- Sanctuary Hosts (Ushers & Tunnel Greeters)
- Connections Cafe
Volusia School Fuel
Volusia School Fuel is a non-profit, community-wide project to provide essential meal nourishment to mal-nourished elementary students across Volusia County. We unite donors and volunteers representing diverse businesses, organizations, denominations, and societal groups around our common goal to end child hunger.
Learn More Here
Learn More Here

The Worship Team is passionate about experiencing God in a real and meaningful way. We believe in heart-felt expression of praise and worship. Auditions required for placement.
- Choir
- Musicians
- Frontline Vocals
- Stage Design
- Costuming